RWS: a Picture a Day – 2009

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    I am a 32 year old mother of 2 and professional photographer. I shoot with a Canon 5D unless otherwise noted.
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Archive for October 5th, 2009


Posted by rws on October 5, 2009


He’s Got Character

We enjoyed a lovely lunch with Andrea at Sweet Tomatoes today.

He was cracking us all up with his cross-eyed no-face faces. goofball.

And yes, this moment is out of focus. I kind of like it that way. 🙂

Posted in Captured Moments | Comments Off on 10.05.09


Posted by rws on October 5, 2009


Yeah, That’s the Bee Man

The story goes like this.

On Saturday afternoon, we were all hanging out in the backyard, when Katie chased out new kitten up one of the big trees. The kitten, who’s claws I had just trimmed the day before, go stuck up in the tree and was too scared to climb back down. I told the kids she’d come down eventually to where I could reach her and we’d just wait for that to happen. But then Katie, watching where the kitten is climbing up in the tree, points and says, “what’s that, mommy?”

“That” was a large swarm of bees. I did not get a picture of the large swarm of bees, but it looked a lot like this:

yeah. so.

The kitten is headed right up the branch towards the big swarm of bees. The kids (and I) are freaking out. So I send the kids inside, find the extension ladder and get the kitten out of the tree.

Then asked google who to call. As always, google was very informative.

So this morning, the bee man showed up, put our ladder in a different place, climbed up the tree, and moved the bees to a box which he then stuck in his car and drove off with.

These are the exciting things that happen to me.

Posted in Around My House | Comments Off on 10.04.09